Prosječna ocjena: 4,9
Književni žanr: Ljubavno/Povijesni Roman

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Kažu da je Cameron najgrešniji od sviju Mackenziejevih, pa da vidim slažete li s time. Treći po redu iz serijala Jennifer Ashley, u izdanju Naklade Neptun, predstavlja lorda Camerona, čovjeka koji najviše voli konje i žene, i to upravo tim redoslijedom. 

Brojni grijesi lorda Camerona drugi je od romana kojim su nam Neptunovke osigurale ljeto bogato ljubavnim pričama najbolje kvalitete, a o njihovom drugom remek djelu više možete pročitati ovdje. 

Déja vu. Tako se zove kad vas zadesi osjećaj da se događa nešto što ste već doživjeli. Osim što je Cameron, kad je ugledao lady Ainsley skrivenu u njegovoj spavaćoj sobi, sa sigurnošću znao da to što se događa nije plod njegove mašte. Lady Ainsley zaista je bila u njegovoj sobi i najvjerojatnije ponovno s nečasnim namjerama, baš kao i prije pet godina kada ju je zatekao u istom ovakvom scenariju. Pet godina prije, kada ju je gotovo na licu mjesta obljubio - i kada mu je ona to gotovo dozvolila. Tog dana oboje ih je zaustavio osjećaj časti i poštenja - više njezin nego njegov - ali stali su na vrijeme. Ali Cameron ovaj puta ne namjerava stati. Ainsley je sada udovica, lijepa udovica, koja je usto i vrlo interesantna, a i uplela se u zavrzlamu koju joj on može pokušati riješiti. On, kojeg žene zanimaju samo površno, a smisao života nalazi u dresuri konja, upravo je odlučio da je jedna žena vrijedna njegove potpune pažnje. Možda je na vrbi napokon rodilo grožđe. Ili se lord Cameron možda počeo zaljubljivati... 

Tri komada od četiri. Toliko romana iz ovog serijala već držimo u rukama, a ne znam hoćemo li se ikada uspjeti dogovoriti koji je najbolji. Lord Cameron tijekom prva dva nastavka nekako je uspio zadržati tu neku dozu misterioznosti, unatoč tome što smo o njemu znali dvije one najbitnije stvari: da je jedini od braće koji ima sina, te da se profesionalno bavi dresurom konja, vještinom koja mu je priskrbila bogatstvo i osigurala da se nađe na popisu najpoželjnijih osoba na svakom okupljanju, barem na svakoj listi koju je sastvaljala ženska ruka. Krećući s ćitanjem, nisam imala pojma što me čeka, ali i ženski i muški lik uspješno su me uvjerili da nisam pogriješila što mi je negdje u nekom zakutku mozga tinjala pomisao da će i ova priča biti savršena. 

 Ainsley i Cameron upoznaju se, a kasnije i ponovno susreću na vrlo zanimljiv i strastven način, a istim se pridjevima može opisati i ostatak njihova odnosa. U vezi koja se malo pomalo razvija među njima, Cameron je lovac u pravom smisu te riječi, a Ainsley je lovina koja vješto i uporno izmiče - iako više iz osjećaja potrebe nego prave želje da izmakne. Njih dvoje ljudi su sa životnim iskustvom koji su napravili dovoljan broj pogrešaka kako bi znali da bi ih još jedna mogla koštati više nego što su spremni platiti. No, kao što to obično biva, kad se nađu dvije duše koje su si suđene, a pritom njihova sudbina leži u rukama autorice poput Jennifer Ashley, možemo biti uvjereni da će se stvari riješiti na najbolji mogući način, onaj koji će nam osigurati da se dobro zavaljamo i uživamo u istinskom romantici.

Ostanite u čitanju recenzija e-knjiga, koje u velikom broju možete naći na ovom blogu. :) *Uredništvo bloga PDF KNJIGE poziva vas da sve nepravilnosti sa linkovima i ostale probleme, prijavite u komentarima. Također, komentari služe i za ostale sugestije, pohvale i kritike.

Uh, la la! 
There is a reason J.T. Geissinger is one of my favorite authors and every time I get to read one of her books I fall in love with her work a bit more.
A few days ago, while on vacation, I've had the time (finally!) to read for a few days in a row, all day long, and trust me, I didn't even try to sleep.
I sat there, by the sea, reading 
Burn for you. 
Believe me, I was burning for this novel in more than just one way ??

Jackson �The Beast� Boudreaux is an asshole. He's rude, presumptuous and arrogant. He's also soooo handsome. More than he deserves to be.
More than Bianca can sometimes handle.
After storming into her restaurant, calling her food average, and demanding of her to work for him, the only thing she wants is to slap him so hard his ears would fall off.
But she has to take the job. He's offering 20 grand for her to cook for his guests and that money could save her mother's life.
But it gets even more complicated.
To keep his money and his fortune, Jackson has to marry as soon as possible, and the man would never again trust a woman with his heart. So he's asking Bianca to be his wife. A million dollars for five years of marriage.
A simple business proposal. No sex. No emotions involved.
Will she say yes?

"You, Mr. Fancy Bourbon Guy, are an asshole." That was my first thought about our hero, Mr. Bourdaux, while reading the first few chapters. Soon after that, I was humbly mumbling my deepest apologies to the perfection of this man.

"The only way to judge a person is by his deeds." 
(J.T.Geissinger, Burn for You)

Jackson Boudreaux is one of those rough looking guys, full of cash and empty of every hope to ever be loved or accepted. The best thing about him is that he's not living in denial. He doesn't see himself as a god's gift to the whole women kind and his boldness, while he's seducing a woman, is mostly the result of him being scared and acting without a plan. His scars make him insecure in his looks.

If you read the novel carefully, you'll probably notice some motifs the author has borrowed from the well-known fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. Jackson has a scar on his face that reminds him every day of some bad decisions he has made. He's also a grumpy man with a big house and a library full of first editions - and Bianca loves to read.

Bianca is a woman with only one parent and a narcissistic ex. As an owner of a restaurant, she made the Bourdaux bourbon the base for all of her recipes and that has been proven to bring her more customers than any other dish she has made before.

Her food is the thing that brings the two of them together in an explosively romantic novel that will make you hungry for more than just her well known and delicious jambalaya.

If this novel does open your appetite, there's no need to panic. The author has put a few recipes in between chapters, just to show you Bianca's restaurant would easily become your own favorite place to eat. Her menu sounds absolutely yummy.
If you gain the courage to make one of those yourself, please come back to this blog and send me a photo of your meal. It's not an easy job to write a review thinking about hot guys and food (those are actually, besides books, my worst temptations) and not being able to have either. Make my day ??

Burn for You (published in 2017) is the first novel in Slow Burn book series, followed by Melt for You (published in 2018). The book number three, Ache for You is to be published sometime next year.



1.0 -5.0

Hero: 5.0
Heroine: 5.0
Sexual tension: 5.0
Sex scenes: 5.0
Plot: 5.0
Dialogue: 5.0
Storytelling: 5.0
Story ending: 5.0
Secondary characters: 5.0
Humor: 5.0

Here you can find more reviews about the novels of this author:

Najprije Elle Kennedy, onda Colleen Hoover, a sada i Karina Halle. Mislim da je vrijeme da  priznamo da Neptunovke znaju kako odabrati ljubavni roman koji �e �itateljima ostati u sje�anju. 
Kako smo napisali erotski ljubi�
engleski Smut, upravo je ono �to nam je ovog ljeta trebalo, a ako se jo� niste uspjeli uvjeriti da �e vam upravo on postati omiljeno �tivo 2018., samouvjereno tvrdim da �u vas ja uvjeriti da ga je vrijedno obo�avati.

Blake Crawford zdu�no se trudi polo�iti kolegij Kreativnog pisanja kako bi �to prije stekao diplomu i preuzeo o�ev biznis - malu, ali dobro poznatu obiteljsku knji�aru.
Amanda Newland �eli rasturiti na istom kolegiju kako bi roditeljima dokazala da je pisanje posao koji zavre�uje po�tovanje i mo�da �ak divljenje.

Ono �to ni jedan od njih ne �eli jest sudjelovati na zajedni�kom zadatku pisanja kratke pri�e. Ali morat �e.
Umi�ljeni seronja i u�togljena princeza morat �e udru�iti snage i uskladiti talente kako bi napisali pri�u koja bi im donijela najbolje ocjene.

A kad se poka�e da im to sasvim dobro ide, odlu�it �e zakora�iti u novu avanturu: odva�it �e se na pisanje erotskog romana.
No pisanje erotske literature uklju�uje razmi�ljanje o pr�astim guzama (poput Amandine) i mi�i�avim trbu�njacima (poput Blakeovih), �to na� dvojac tjera da po�ele neke od svojih scena staviti na test. Mo�e li seks u�ivo izgledati onako kako izgleda u romanima za odrasle?
I ho�e li ih znati�elja stajati partnerstva?
�to vi mislite? 

Black Crafword 

Jedno je sigurno: ovakvog romana nema na na�im prostorima. Jeste li ikad �itali ljubavno-erotski roman u kojem likovi poku�avaju napisati ljubavno-erotski roman? Ja mislim da niste. 

Jeste li se ikada zapitali za�to nekom autoru pada na pamet napisati ba� erotski roman? Mislite li da je to ne�to �to svatko mo�e napisati?
Znate li da se autori ljubavnih i erotskih romana �esto nalaze na meti kolega, kriti�ara i sebi bliskih ljudi jer "gube vrijeme" i talent na pisanje ne�ega �to drugi smatraju sme�em i �undom?
Iz udobnih fotelja nas koji sjedimo s ovakvom vrstom knjige u ruci, ti problemi djeluju toliko dalekima da ih mo�da uop�e ne shva�amo ozbiljno. Mi na�e omiljene autorice poznajemo kao uspje�ne �ene koje nam svojim perom golicaju misli i popravljaju subotnje ve�eri. 

�Nije lako biti pisac, to je vrlo te�ak posao. Te�i nego �to biste ikada
mogli zamisliti. No ono �to ga �ini jo� te�im jest �injenica da skoro svi
vi trenuta�no pi�ete s lako�om. Pi�ete ono �to vam srce nala�e. Jedine
pote�ko�e s kojima se sada suo�avate su strah od lo�e ocjene i stres zbog
ograni�enog vremenskog roka. Ali rije�i vam jo� dolaze prirodno, pri-
�e se prakti�ki same pi�u. U ovoj fazi jo� mo�ete, kao �to je rekao Hemingway, samo sjesti za pisa�u ma�inu i krvariti. No za mnoge pisce, i
sada se moram poslu�iti popularnim kli�eom, pisanje je poput va�enja
krvi iz kamena. I dalje ima� volju i �elju, no s vremenom i s iskustvom
dolazi i sve ve�a sumnja u sebe, a unutarnji kriti�ar postaje sve glasniji.
U�utkava tvoju kreativnost. Po�inje� se osje�ati kao da ti je zabranjeno

Ba� �e nam zato ovaj roman, na jedan humoristi�an i zabavan na�in pokazati kako to�no nastaje jedan erotski ljubi�. Dva mlada i perspektivna autora koji te�e proslaviti se pisanjem fantasy romana napravit �e odlu�an i drasti�an korak i krenuti s pisanjem erotike. Od ideje do razra�enog poslovnog i financijskog plana; od brainstorminga koji po�inje kao obi�na zezancija do pikantnih naslova koji mame �itatelja; od likova do radnje, preko seksi scena, Blake i Amanda pribli�it �e nam proces nastajanja takozvanog smuta - erotske literature.

Dvoje mladih pisaca zavirit �e duboko u vlastitu ma�tu, dozvoliti najskrivenijim fantazijama da isplivaju na povr�inu i staviti na papir razmi�ljanja koja se mo�da ne bi usudili ni izgovoriti glasno.
Sigurna sam da �e vas posebno odu�eviti humor koji proizlazi iz razlika u mu�kom i �enskom razmi�ljanju o ljubavi, romantici i seksu. Nakon toga zadivit �e vas na�in na koji �e te razlike postati receptom za uspjeh u njihovom nastojanju.

Razmi�ljanjima i postupcima svojih likova Karina Halle vlastitim primjerom dokazuje da i ova vrsta literature itekako zahtjeva talent. Njezini likovi utjelovljuju muke svakog autora koji se nada da �e svoj roman jednog dana vidjeti u rukama odu�evljenog �itatelja. Sumnje, strahovi i nesigurnosti, sve �e to Amanda i Blake pre�ivljavati dok budu radili na svojem remek djelu.
Sve bude jo� gore nakon �to se u njihovu pri�u upetlja i - ljubav.

Ovo je new adult ljubavni roman u kojem likovi poku�avaju napisati ljubavni roman? Da vas pitam: mo�ete li zamisliti i�ta bolje?






Mu�ki lik: 5.0
�enski lik: 5.0
Seksualna napetost: 5.0
Scene seksa: 5.0
Radnja: 5.0
Dijalozi: 5.0
Dinami�nost: 5.0
Kraj pri�e: 5.0
Sporedni likovi: 5.0
Humor: 5.0

Kendall Ryan, Kendall Ryan svuda oko mene. Izme�u novih romana koje izbacuje skoro na mjese�noj bazi i ljepotana koji se kod nas prevode i objavljuju, gotovo je nemogu�e ne �uti za nju. I ne zavoljeti ju na prvu. 
je jo� jedan roman koji nam je ovog ljeta objavio 24 sata, a roman je prvi u serijalu od 4 nastavaka (plus jedna kra�a novela). Veselim se ostaloj trojici pastuha koje tek trebamo upoznati.

Cannon i Page znaju se �itav �ivot jer on je mla�i brat njezine najbolje prijateljice. Nisu se vidjeli dugi niz godina, a onda jednog dana Allie zamoli Page da ustupi Cannonu na dva mjeseca praznu sobu u svojem stanu.
Page tom idejom ba� nije odu�evljena, no kad napokon ugleda Cannona, shvati da zajedni�ki �ivot zaista nije dobra ideja - ali iz nekih posve druga�ijih razloga.
Naime, nekada neugledni �treber�i� Cannon, danas je prava pravcata seks bomba. I potpuno joj je zabranjen.

Njegova odluka je kloniti se neobaveznog seksa. Cannon stvarno nema sre�e sa �enama. Ispada da u ga�ama zaista ima �arobni �tapi� jer nakon samo jedne no�i s djevojkom, svaka od njih postala bi potpuno za�arana njime.
Upravo tako ostao je i bez mjesta za �ivot. Jedna od ludih djevojaka s kojom je proveo no� provalila mu je u stan i skoro ga stavnala sa zemljom.
Osim toga, trebao bi se koncentrirati na svoje �kolovanje i napokon izabrati smjer koji �eli specijalizirati. 

Cannon se useljava k Page i odmah mu postaje jasno da se jedan drugome itekako svi�aju. Ali njihova seksualna veza prouzrokovala bi vi�e problema nego �to si bilo koji od njih smije dozvoliti.
Ho�e li uspjeti odoljeti isku�enju?

Kad kupujete knjigu Kendall Ryan, u jedno mo�ete biti sigurni: s njome �ete se odli�no zabaviti. Njezin stil pisanja jednostavan je i �itljiv, zabavan i prepoznatljiv. 
Kendall voli odmah prije�i na stvar, pa tako u njezinim romanima nema okoli�anja ili prevelikih uvoda, a broj sporednih likova svodi na minimum.

U ovom romanu posebno mi je zapela za oko �injenica da je mu�ki lik �etiri godine mla�i od �enskoga, �to smatram zanimljivom i dobrodo�lom novo��u jer se s ne�im takvim ne susre�emo �esto, pogotovo uzev�i u obzir da �esto �itamo o �enskim likovima (�esto u ranim dvadesetima) �iji partneri budu i do desetak godina stariji.
Osim toga, Cannon je lik na kojem po�iva ve�ina zapleta, tj. onaj koji bi tom zabranjenom vezom vi�e izgubio. 

Cannon je tako�er vrlo zrela osoba. Unato� tome �to donio nekoliko lo�ih odluka u �ivotu �to se ti�e �ena (potuno nesvjesno, dakako ??), jasno mu je da se jednom mora uozbiljiti i nije mu te�ko donijeti ispravnu odluku kako bi time �to manje na�tetio svojem studiju i budu�nosti majke i sestre, o kojima je na neki na�in uvijek skrbio.

No svejedno ga krasi ona zavodljiva doza mladena�ke arogancije (koja je vjerojatno rezultat dobrih iskustava koje mu je priskrbilo oru�je te�ke kategorije koje skriva u boksericama) koja �e nas �itatelje zavesti u jednakoj mjeri u kojoj je zavela i Page.

Dva lika iz novog new adult serijala s kojim nam je 24 sata uveo u ovo ljeto zabavit �e nas vrckavim dijalozima, mladena�kom osobno��u i prirodnim razvojem doga�aja. Veza me�u likovima razvija se iz prijateljske u seksualnu, a pritom cijelo vrijeme osje�amo onu iskru nesigurnosti, treme i nervoze koju likovi poku�avaju sakriti kako ne bi izdali svoje istinske nje�ne osje�aje od straha pred osu�ivanjem onih koji su im najbli�i.

Ako ste mo�da �itali Bro Code, roman koji je na engleskom izdan u svibnju ove godine, primijeti �ete da ima jednu dodirnu to�ku s Cimerom, a to je zabranjena veza izme�u dva lika koji se oduvijek znaju, a jedna od glavnih prepreka njihovoj vezi je strah od bratskog osu�ivanja (pratim i analiziram Ryan budno poput sokola ??).

Ako ste ve� upoznati s romanima K.Ryan, uop�e ne sumnjam da �ete zavoljeti i ovaj roman, a ako jo� niste provjerili vrijedi li �itati njezine knjige, pozivam vas da po�nete s Cimerom. 
On �e u va�e dane uvesti zdravu dozu smijeha, opu�tenosti i dobre zabave. 
Onako kako to pravom cimeru i prili�i ??





Mu�ki lik: 4.0
�enski lik: 4.0
Seksualna napetost: 4.0
Scene seksa: 4.5
Radnja: 4.0
Dijalozi: 4.0
Dinami�nost: 5.0
Kraj pri�e: 4.5
Sporedni likovi: 4.5
Humor: 4.0

Ovdje mo�ete prona�i ovu recenziju na engleskom.
Pro�itajte recenzije ostalih romana ove autorice: 
Kendall Ryan: Prljave divne la�i, Prljava divna ljubav, Prljava divna po�uda - od objave spomenute recenzije, objavljena je i �etvrta knjiga iz serijala, Prljava divna vje�nost

Kendall Ryan, Kendall Ryan all around me. While the author's busy releasing new novels (almost) every few weeks (Love Machine is to be published July 16, and Bro Code was published in May), recently I have been going through some of her older stuff. 
Room Mate
was just published in Croatia, giving us just the perfect love story for these lazy summer evenings. The novel is the first one in Roommates book series, followed by The Play Mate, The House Mate, and The Soul Mate, all of which were published in 2017.

Cannon and Page know each other whole their lives because he's her best friend's younger brother. They haven't seen each other in years so when Allie asks Page to make Cannon her roommate for two months, Page's everything but excited about it.
But after she sees him, it becomes even more important for Cannon not to move in. A geek with braces is now all grown up, broad-shouldered and hot as hell. And totally forbidden.

He decided to stay away from girls and one night stands. Cannon's luck with women is everything but good. Apparently, his wand really is magical, because after one night with him, every girl falls deep under his spell. 
That's, actually, how he lost his place. One of his ex "girlfriends" broke into his apartment and he had to get away.
Besides, he should really focus on his studies and do right by his mother and sister.

But after moving in with Page, Cannon realizes them staying away from each other would be mission impossible. Any kind of sexual relationship between them would get both of them into real trouble. 
So will they be able to stay away?

If you're a Kendall Ryan fan, there's one thing you know it's true: her books will make you have a good time. Her writing style is simple, easy to read, funny and recognizable. 
She likes to go in medias res, avoids descriptions, long introductions and keeps the number of characters to the minimum.

In Room Mate, we have a girl falling for a 4 years younger guy - a refreshing change since we're often reading about girls (in their twenties) that end up with guys more than a decade older than them.
Cannon is also the one with a more complicated ARC since he's got more to lose.

But he's also very mature. Even though in the past he has made some lousy decisions regarding his "relationships" with women (absolutely unintentionally, of course ??), he gets the fact that he has to become more serious so he could make some important decisions about his life. He owes that to his mother and sister.

Still, we can very much see the young and arrogant side of his personality (having the di*k of his size does make you think higher of yourself ??) and that's exactly what will make us, like it made Page, fall hard for him.

Room Mate is a simple but interesting, fast paceing novel that will make you relax. The relationship between the characters happens naturally, starting as a friendship, involving into something more sexual and ending up as a true romance. It's also possible to feel carachters' anxiousness and fear of disappointing their ones loved ones, that makes their story even more realistic.

The Bro Code, the book that Ryan has published a few months ago is actually pretty similar to this one. In both cases, we're dealing with a forbidden romance between a person and their best friend's sibling. 

If you've never had the chance to read some of Ryan's novels, and you're looking for a new adult romance with a sweet happy ending, start with Room Mate




1.0 -5.0

Hero: 4.0
Heroine: 4.0
Sexual tension: 4.0
Sex scenes: 4.5
Plot: 4.0
Dialogue: 4.0
Storytelling: 5.0
Story ending: 4.5
Secondary characters: 4.5
Humor: 4.0

Here you can find this review in Croatian.
Here you can read more reviews of the novels of the same author:

The new releases of favorite authors of romance novels and erotica 


Lucky Scars
by Kerry Heavens


Not every love story begins with a fiery explosion of lust. 
Some are tiny embers of hope that smoulder slowly until the stars align� 

I�d been living in a bubble. 
It was meant to protect me from the things in life that hurt. 
I could live, I could laugh, but at least I didn�t have to love. 
Loving was dangerous and I would never do it again. 

It was working just fine, until the bubble burst. 
It let in danger. 
It let in light. 
It let in�him. 

Unknowingly I�d been living in the dark, feeling my way. 
He filled my world with starlight. 
He showed me how to move on to the next level. 
He made me feel again. 

I thought the wounds from the past would never fully heal, 
But perhaps they only heal when the time is right. 

Sometimes you just have to thank your lucky scars.


Off the Grid
(The Lost Platoon #2)
by Monca McCarty


A team of Navy SEALs go on a mission and disappear without a trace--they are The Lost Platoon. 

Investigative reporter Brittany Blake may have stumbled upon the story of a lifetime in her search for her missing brother. When he seemingly disappears overnight, she refuses to accept the Navy's less-than-satisfying explanation. She begins her own investigation, which leads her to top-secret SEAL teams, covert ops, and a possible cover up... 

John Donovan is having trouble biding his time, waiting for his Commanding Officer to figure out who set up their platoon. John's best friend and BUD/S partner, Brandon Blake, was one of the many lives tragically lost in the attack against his team. When Brandon's sister, Brittany, tracks John down, looking for answers, he realizes that she may be their best bet--or bait--for finding out who is targeting SEAL Team Nine.


The Accidentals
by Sarina Bowen


Never ask a question unless you�re sure you want the truth.

I�ve been listening to my father sing for my whole life. I carry him in my pocket on my mp3 player. It�s just that we�ve never met face to face.

My mother would never tell me how I came to be, or why my rock star father and I have never met. I thought it was her only secret. I was wrong.

When she dies, he finally appears. Suddenly I have a first class ticket into my father�s exclusive world. A world I don�t want any part of � not at this cost.
Only three things keep me going: my a cappella singing group, a swoony blue-eyed boy named Jake, and the burning questions in my soul. There�s a secret shame that comes from being an unwanted child. It drags me down, and puts distance between me and the boy I love.

My father is the only one alive who knows my history. I need the truth, even if it scares me.

Love Machine
by Kendall Ryan


After a rather uncomfortable ladies� night involving a cucumber-wielding instructor with judgy eyes, I�m forced to admit my weaknesses. Rather than point blame at my lack of a sex life, I�m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work.

As a junior executive who�s clawed her way up the corporate ladder, failure is not in my vocabulary. Confident and bold in other areas of my life, I have to admit it�s time to up my bedroom game.

Asking my friend Slate Cruz is really the only option. Slate is like a walking billboard for sex. The man gets more ass than a toilet seat. There�s no way I�ll want more from this playboy than a little inspiration to revive my inner sex kitten.

Except, what happens if I do?


All Your Perfects
by Colleen Hoover


Quinn and Graham's perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage. The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair.

All Your Perfects is a profound novel about a damaged couple whose potential future hinges on promises made in the past. This is a heartbreaking page-turner that asks: Can a resounding love with a perfect beginning survive a lifetime between two imperfect people?


Bad for You
(Dirty Deeds #3)
by J.Daniels


Shayla Perkins isn�t the kind of girl who makes the same mistake twice, especially when it comes to Sean �Stitch� Molina. So when he gives her the world�s biggest rejection, that�s it�she�s done. Until the sexy, silent, unavailable Sean makes Shay a very personal offer. Of course, it still doesn�t mean he�s interested in her. Or does it?

Sean has done things in life. Bad things. And he�s paid the price. All he wants now is to make up for his past by doing good in the present. And no one deserves more good than Shay. Beautiful on the inside and out, Shay is the kind of woman who should be cared for and protected�especially from a man like Sean. He�s tried to keep his feelings for her in check, but a single, reckless impulse pulls them closer than ever before.

Soon the two are sharing their biggest dreams and satisfying their deepest desires. But what will happen if the only way to truly give one another want they want most . . . is to let each other go?


The Naked Truth
by Vi Keeland


It was just a typical Monday.
Until the big boss asked me to make the pitch for a prospective new client.
After two years on shaky ground at work because of my screw up, an opportunity to impress the senior partners was just what I needed.

Or so I thought�

Until I walked into the conference room and collided with the man I was supposed to pitch.
My coffee spilled, my files tumbled to the ground, and I almost lost my balance.
And that was the good part of my day.
Because the gorgeous man crouched down and looking at me like he wanted to eat me alive, was none other than my ex, Gray Westbrook.
A man who I�d only just begun to move on from.
A man who my heart despised�yet my body obviously still had other ideas about.
A man who was as charismatic and confident as he was sexy.
Somehow, I managed to make it through my presentation ignoring his intense stare.
Although it was impossible to ignore all the dirty things he whispered into my ear right after I was done.
But there was no way I was giving him another chance, especially now that he was a client
�was there?


(Manwhore #6)
by Katy Evans


It started as a game. 
We flirted. We played. Most importantly�we won. 
Then I discovered who he was: Gambler. Famous playboy. Silver-eyed player who never plays to lose. 
�And my best friend�s soon-to-be brother in law, Cullen Carmichael. 
He needed a good luck charm, I needed a distraction. 
So we made a gamble and set off for Vegas�but pretty soon�I was in too deep. 
My heart, soul, and body weren't supposed to be part of the deal. 
But somewhere between big wins and long nights, my house of cards started to tumble. 
What was this devil with those piercing eyes doing to me? 
I�d given up on love, but the wicked, all-in Cullen Carmichael was upping the ante and wouldn�t stop until he�d won it all. 


Born to be Wilde
by Eloisa James


The richest bachelor in England plays matchmaker�for an heiress he wants for himself!

For beautiful, witty Lavinia Gray, there's only one thing worse than having to ask the appalling Parth Sterling to marry her: being turned down by him.
Now the richest bachelor in England, Parth is not about to marry a woman as reckless and fashion-obsessed as Lavinia; he's chosen a far more suitable bride.
But when he learns of Lavinia's desperate circumstances, he offers to find her a husband. Even better, he'll find her a prince.
As usual, there's no problem Parth can't fix. But the more time he spends with the beguiling Lavinia, the more he finds himself wondering�
Why does the woman who's completely wrong feel so right in his arms?

What was new in June 2018? Find out here.

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