Review/recenzija: Sabrina Jeffries: One Night with a Prince/ Jedna no� s princom
Posted by Mr.Book
Posted on svibnja 25, 2017
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The third and the last installment in Royal Brotherhood series by Sabrina Jeffries presents us with the story that will conclude the trilogy. One Night with a Prince is a story of the oldest of the Prince Regent's bastard sons, Gavin Byrnea and a women who will capture his heart, Christabel Haversham.
Christabel's ready to do what it takes to get her hands on the letters now in possession of a man ready to use them to harm the Kingdom. And what it takes is to pretend to be the mistress of notorious Gavin Byrne.
But Byrne didn't get the title of a skilled lover by just smiling at ladies' direction. He knows how to play his aces and recognizes Christabel is the most important card he could play to finally get his chance for revenge he's been planning for a long time.
But, as always, one has to give up some diamonds if they want a hand full of hearts. Will Gavin and Christabel go for the win or will they recognize that sometimes to give up is just the right thing to do?
But Byrne didn't get the title of a skilled lover by just smiling at ladies' direction. He knows how to play his aces and recognizes Christabel is the most important card he could play to finally get his chance for revenge he's been planning for a long time.
But, as always, one has to give up some diamonds if they want a hand full of hearts. Will Gavin and Christabel go for the win or will they recognize that sometimes to give up is just the right thing to do?
You know those novels where the characters need to make some kind of sacrifice so they could get something else in return? But that makes them suffer. So they suffer, we suffer, there's collective suffering going on... And it's everything but interesting...
Well, nobody suffers in this book ??
Jeffries knows how to write her novels so we're constantly reminded that there's that serious problem, people have to let go of something and it's painful, there would be consequences- but she does it without making us roll our eyes in false sympathy. Actually, she makes us live through all of that and still smile.
This one is one of those novels that I had to take seriously, and I did it gladly. The characters show an interesting level of maturity from the first time we read about them, and they stay consistent to that part of their personality. They aren't making any kind of rash decisions that would be hard to believe, but they keep reminding us they're still human beings who make few mistakes now and then.
There's that thing I liked the most, and it's the way Gavin and Christabel met. Their meeting set bases for they relationship dynamic and gave us an insight into their personalities.
This book has a plot that invites us to read further and you'll like it even more if you're of those who like good humor.
I'm gonna stop talking now, and just tell you to go get the book. You won't be sorry.
My recommendation is to start this trilogy by reading the novel number one In the Prince's Bed first, then continue with To Pleasure the Prince. Of course, you can read One Night with a Prince as a standalone, but why not enjoy the first two books too?
This book has a plot that invites us to read further and you'll like it even more if you're of those who like good humor.
I'm gonna stop talking now, and just tell you to go get the book. You won't be sorry.
My recommendation is to start this trilogy by reading the novel number one In the Prince's Bed first, then continue with To Pleasure the Prince. Of course, you can read One Night with a Prince as a standalone, but why not enjoy the first two books too?
Have fun with this one and let me know what you think,
Rose ??
Tre�i nastavak serijala Kraljevsko bratstvo iz Naklade Neptun zaokru�uje avanturu trojice vanbra�nih sinova regenta Georgea, princa od Walesa. Jedna no� s princom uvla�i nas u pri�u najstarijeg od njih, Gavina Byrnea i markize koja �e ga osvojiti, Cristabel Haversham. Poga�ate ve�, imamo posla s ljubavnim romanom s povijesnom pozadinom, a s obzirom na prethodnike, na�a o�ekivanja su velika.
Christabel je spremna na sve kako bi se do�epala pisama koja su u rukama �ovjeka koji se nalazi na rubu da njima izazove veliku �tetu. Spremna se �ak pretvarati da je postala ljubavnicom vlasnika kockarskog kluba, Gavina Byrnea.
Ali Byrne nije svoj naslov zloglasnog zavodnika stekao pukim slu�ajem. On je nau�en dr�ati asove u rukavu i zna prepoznati trenutak u kojem ih je najbolje izvu�i. A Cristabel je najja�a karta na koju mo�e igrati kako bi stekao prednost koja mu je potrebna da se osveti za nepravdu koja mu je davnih dana nanesena i �ije posljedice i dalje trpi.
Igra mo�e zapo�eti. Karte su podijeljene.
Cristabel i Byrne zajedno ulaze u razvratni�ko dru�tvo londonske elite, a glavna nagrada za koju �e se boriti ispast �e druga�ija od one zbog koje su uop�e krenuli u igru. Dok �e se ulozi pove�avati, a protivnici o�triti kand�e, dvoje la�nih ljubavnika mo�da otkrije da prave vrijednosti ne le�e u pobjedi, ve� u saznanju da ponekad jednostavno treba odustati.
Znate ono kad �itate neki roman u kojem se neki od (obi�no) glavnih likova na�e u nekoj vrsti �kripca pa mora ne�to �rtvovati kako bi ne�to drugo dobio? Pa onda pati on, patite vi, pati mladi Werther...
E, ovdje nitko ne pati ??
Sabrina svoj roman napi�e tako majstorski da smo tijekom �itanja svi svjesni toga da se odvija neka vrsta �rtvovanja likovih �elja i ranije zacrtanih ciljeva, da likovi �ine ne�to �to im ne sjeda ba� najbolje i da �e biti itekakvih posljedica- ali sve se to odvija bez imalo patetike, a uz zdravu dozu ozbiljnosti i onu natruhu humora koja je taman tolika da tu i tamo trznemo usnama prema gore kad se to mo�da najmanje o�ekuje.
Ovo je jedan od onih romana �ije likove mogu zaista shvatiti ozbiljno. Pokazuju zrelost od prve scene u kojoj se pojavljuju, a tijekom odvijanja same radnje dokazuju svoju dosljednost. Ne donose nepromi�ljene odluke kojima bi bilo te�ko povjerovati, a s druge strane, i dalje se upu�taju u one male gre�ne u�itke pred kojima bi svaka zdrava osoba tu i tamo pokleknula.
Detalj koji mi se posebno svi�a je na�in na koji su se Gavin i Cristabel upoznali, koji uvelike postavlja temelje dinamici njihove budu�e veze i u velikoj mjeri karakterizira likove.
Radnja je te�na i uvla�i �itatelja dublje, a humor je na zavidnoj razini. Time prakti�ki dolazim do zaklju�ka da nemam ba� previ�e toga za nadodati, ali mislim da nije ni potrebno. I�ta vi�e od ovoga bilo bi previ�e i potpuno nepotrebno.
Preporu�ujem vam da ovaj serijal zapo�nete od prvog romana U prin�evoj postelji, pa nastavite s drugim, Kako udovoljiti princu, kako biste dokraja u�ivali u zavr�etku ove trilogije.
Do neke druge zgode, �aljem vam puse,
Rose ??
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